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Urgent Care Specialist

Forward Care Family Practice PLLC

Family Medicine Providers & Adults and Pediatrics located in Glendale, AZ

Preventing an infection from an open wound is the focus of the urgent care services at Forward Care Family Practice in Glendale, Arizona. Ellana Davidov, PA-C, and the medical team provide comprehensive, in-office treatments for abrasions, burns, and minor fractures. The team also specializes in incision and drainage services for wounds that have already become infected. Learn more about your options for urgent care treatment by calling Forward Care Family Practice PLLC or by booking an appointment online. You can also visit the practice as a walk-in today.

Urgent Care Q&A

What is urgent care?

Urgent care describes services that address injuries or health conditions that require immediate medical attention.

While Forward Care Family Practice isn’t an urgent care practice, the office is fully equipped with diagnostic technologies and treatment services to treat minor injuries like lacerations, burns, cuts, and abrasions.

The team also provides incision and drainage services to treat infections and abscesses.

When should I schedule an urgent care appointment?

You should schedule an urgent care appointment with the team at Forward Care Family Practice if you have an open wound that isn’t healing properly or if you have musculoskeletal pain that might relate to a sprain, strain, or fracture.

The team also recommends scheduling a consultation if you have signs of an infection, such as swelling, redness, pain, or discharge from a cut or abrasion.

Forward Care Family Practice also accepts patients on a walk-in basis. If you suffer an injury playing sports or doing other activities, you can visit the clinic in-person for a prompt diagnosis and treatment.

If you have a head injury, open fracture, or another serious injury, you should seek treatment at the nearest emergency room or call 911.

How are urgent care conditions treated?

The team at Forward Care Family Practice has extensive experience in treating lacerations, burns, and open wounds. They first evaluate the severity of your injury and focus on preventing an infection by carefully cleaning the area.

If you have a wound that’s bleeding, you might need stitches, sutures, or stapling to close it. The team uses advanced techniques to minimize your risk for scarring. After closing the wound, the team may apply bandages or dressings to further protect your skin.

Treating an abscess might also require a minor surgical procedure to open the infected area of skin so fluids can drain properly. The Forward Care Family Practice team performs this type of procedure in-office and can use their on-site medical lab to properly diagnose the type of infection you have.

If you have pain from a strain, sprain, or fracture, the team can stabilize the affected area with bandages or splints until you can get further diagnostic testing.

To get help for a cut, burn, or another minor injury, call Forward Care Family Practice or book an appointment online today. You can also visit the practice as a walk-in.